Monday, August 9, 2010

Sincerely, Your DPS

Let me say this clearly to all those self-entitled, center-of-the-world, you-would-be-nowhere-without-me-and-you-know-it tanks and healers out there:

Just because you are the most in demand parts of a group does not make you somehow 'above' the rest of us.

DPS is important too.  Without us, sure, you could MAYBE get through a few pulls, but in the end your mana pool would drain and your tank would crumple into teeny tiny little pieces and have to dish out tons of gold to repair his precious armor.

Opening a dungeon with: "We are here for achievements, if you screw it up for us both the tank and I (healer) are leaving."  isn't exactly what we want to hear.  Sure, we went along with your achievement run, but treating us like we're somehow less than you is not right.

See the above picture.  Let me paint the entire picture for you.

  • Tank and Healer enter instance, demand that achievements be done right and threaten to leave if failed (even if it were an accident).  
  • DPS has no choice but to comply, for the sake of not having to wait for another set of healer/tank combinations.  
  • Without even thinking about what other people may want, they completely ignore other bosses in the instance.
  • When asked if those bosses could be done, they force the group to go through what THEY want first. Selfishly still holding over their head that the DPS wouldn't be able to finish the other bosses unless THEY get what THEY want.  

In the end, I played nice and didn't wipe them (only because I can't STAND when people do that... but I would have if I were a jerk).  They got their achievements they worked so hard to step all over other people for.  The other bosses did get downed.  But it left a bad taste in my mouth, clearly.

Invisible readers, what do you think? Have you ever had anything like this happen before? Is this something you would do to other people?


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