Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Hate The Lich King


Seriously, I hate him.  It's an easy fight, for the most part, just a few things to remember, timing to get right, people to coordinate, and mechanics to cross your fingers on.  Like the Sindragosa fight, it seems to be slightly reliant on your internet connection as well.  I mean, if you're lagging on Sindy, you risk iceblocking your entire raid, or not being able to run out of that crazy vacuum thing she does.  For Mr. Menethil, you gotta book it for defile and hope you don't DC, and you've got to pray to the internet gods that you won't lag when there's a Valk'yr.  

We're kind of slow to get our guild past ICC 10, yes, but it's because we've been having to switch up our core raiding team for the last few months, lots of IRL stuff for different people, etc.  I slept in, so I'm missing their attempts at LK right now... :( Being on a different time zone really messes with my playing time.  It's Monday for me, but Sunday for the rest of them. 

My druid's gear is coming along fairly nicely, as well as my hunter's... I'll do some more updates on them later, but I've gotta head out for the day.  Siiiigh.



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