Saturday, October 30, 2010

Definitely Not Sleeping, either...

It's 3:35 AM for me right now on Halloween (or Samhain... or Beltane, for me in the southern hemisphere), and I have to say -- I am not tired, in the very least.

A lot has happened since the last time I posted... The patch has dropped, mages are uber-leet, from the last I heard, melee got squished, I began leveling a new rogue, and, oh yeah... I got married.  IRL.

I've been pretty busy with wifey stuff lately -- from trying to remember to cook once in a while (honestly, Will does most of the cooking around here...), to cleaning and sneaking bits of candy from the Halloween bowl... (shifty eyes)... I just haven't had a lot of time for WoW lately.

I'm not sure if it's because on a deeper level I am slightly disappointed with the patch, or if it's just because I'm really anticipating the expansion... Though, I think I've just hit a small bump in my WoW life - it just doesn't interest me that much at the moment.

Either way, I've been spending the time trying to find my balance in IRL things, physically, spiritually, emotionally.  My brother's son will be born soon (if not already), and my new husband and I will be heading up to the states in a few weeks to visit with my family for Thanksgiving.

So, until either I suddenly get cravings for WoW or the next patch, and/or expansion, drop... I might have a difficult time updating this blog.  However!  If you find you really do miss me, catch me on my personal blog.  If not, then I'll see you in game.  Eventually.  Perhaps.  Heh.



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